Secretary: TBC [email protected]
Trinity United Reformed Church, UpminsterWeekly Programme
Monday - 6:00pm Beavers Tuesday - 6:30pm Cubs Thursday - 1:00pm Trinity Leisure Club (TLC) 5:30pm Rainbows 5:45pm Brownies 7:30pm Guides Friday - 9:30am Parent & Toddler Group Saturday - 10:00am-12:00pm Craft Sale (second Saturdays) Sunday - 9:30am Worship Service (Holy Communion every first Sunday of the month. All Age Parade Service on 2nd Sundays (term-time)) |
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The Messenger Magazine: June/July24 Feb/Mar24
The Messenger Magazine: June/July24 Feb/Mar24
The mission of Trinity United Reformed Church, is to worship, witness and serve. This we will do as a body of Christians working together as a church in Upminster and individually in our local communities and work places. In our mission we will endeavour to reach out and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those whom we meet, in the hope that they too will come to love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
To enable us in our mission we will, with God’s help, ensure that we are all encouraged in our personal Christian development and devotional lives.
More specifically…
More specifically…
- To offer and develop varying styles of worship which will enable the whole Church Family to worship God, and will also encourage people outside the Church to worship with us.
- To enable and encourage people of all ages, all walks of life and all stages of faith to explore the Christian faith, and what it means to live as a Christian in today’s society.
- To be a caring community where all are valued, no matter what age or background, and to ensure that all members and friends of Trinity feel that they belong to the ‘Trinity Family’.
- To be a place that is open and accessible to the people of Upminster, where a Christian concern is shown for the issues facing the local community.
- To be aware of and consider the social and political issues facing people throughout the world, and make Christian responses where appropriate.
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